The Evolution of Indian Music: From Classical to Djent

1 min read
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Indian music has a rich history that dates back thousands of years. From the ancient Vedic chants to the classical music of the Mughal era, Indian music has gone through several stages of evolution. Today, Indian music has also embraced modern genres such as rock and metal, including the sub-genre of djent.

Indian classical music is one of the oldest forms of music in the world, with a strong focus on melody, rhythm, and improvisation. This form of music includes Hindustani and Carnatic styles, which have their roots in ancient Vedic traditions. Over the years, Indian classical music has evolved to include new instruments and styles, such as the fusion of Indian and Western music.

In the 20th century, Indian film music, popularly known as Bollywood music, became a significant part of the Indian music scene. This genre combines Indian classical music with Western pop and has become globalization.

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In recent years, Indian metal bands have also gained popularity, with many bands incorporating traditional Indian instruments. One such sub-genre of metal is djent, which originated in the early 2000s and is characterized by its use of heavy guitar riffs and syncopated rhythms.

Indian djent bands such as Skyharbor and Undying Inc. have gained international recognition, contributing to the evolution of Indian music. Today, Indian music continues to evolve, with a focus on blending traditional and modern elements.

In conclusion, the evolution of Indian music is a testament to the country’s rich cultural heritage and its openness to new influences. From classical music to Bollywood, and now djent, Indian music has come a long way, and its future is undoubtedly bright.